Pioneering Precision Diagnostics for a Healthier Tomorrow.
Redefining Early Cancer Detection
Established in 2014, Singlera Genomics Inc. stands as the global frontrunner in liquid biopsy and pioneering cancer early detection. Drawing upon profound expertise and extensive experience in Genome Technology, Singlera provides an extensive array of products and solutions encompassing Cancer Early Screening, Diagnosis, and Prognostic Monitoring for a variety of cancers such as lung cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, and more.
Singlera Genomics, a leader in cancer early screening and molecular diagnostics since 2014. Our focus is conquering early cancer detection challenges through advanced molecular diagnostic technology. We offer a comprehensive range of solutions for tumor and genetic disease detection, specializing in methylation detection for risk assessment, early screening, medication guidance, and recurrence monitoring of high-incidence cancers. Singlera Genomics leads in global cancer screening and liquid biopsy, with a diverse product pipeline. Committed to collaborative innovation, we engage in national research projects, set industry standards, and collaborate globally. Our multidisciplinary team contributes significantly to international patents and publications, making Singlera Genomics a trailblazer in cancer diagnostics advancement.